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  • Writer's pictureChris Tate

Desert island docs

You see lists of books all the time on the internet don't you, people saying I read this or that, I wouldn't be where I am without the other etc - Well, I decided to shamelessly jump on the bandwagon.

I asked some of the MSP Big Hitters to let me know what is the one book they would take to the proverbial Desert Island with them, and amazingly, most of them understood the format...

Enjoy and don't forget to let me know what you're reading...

Eric Torres - Director, Channel Development, Datto

"I have yet to read Traction, but have had the book for a long, long while. I would prefer it to be a book I haven't read before, if I'm stuck on an island.

Outside of a business focused book, I'd take a beat generation

classic like Electric Kool-aid Acid Test from Tom Wolf, to keep me entertained."

Dan Scott. IT Nation Community Manager - EMEA, ConnectWise

"Everything in it is actionable, down-to-earth and, as the title says, common sense - it gives you tools to genuinely make a difference."

Colin Knox, Founder & CEO, Gradient MSP

"The book so clearly proves the value in having a purpose behind your business, not only for your own passion and gratification, but for others to better understand you, making them want to do business with you, for their benefit."

Micheal Breeze, Founder, Marketing Breeze

"It's not a new book but it's one that inspires my thinking. In my work, I craft marketing stories that create competitive advantage. Apple with Jony Ive leading on product design created market-changing products, redefining categories like MP3 players and phones, and they delivered a product+brand feeling that their users would happily pay more for than their competitors."

Richard Tubb, The IT Business Growth Expert, Tubblog

"If I was to be stranded on a desert island, I'd be torn between a fiction book and a business book. Which to be stranded with? Thankfully, The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea is both! We're all familiar with Go-Getters and Hustlers,

but the Go-Giver is a parable about the power of creating value through putting other people's needs and wants first. It's a premise I've employed throughout my career and it's proven extremely powerful (and profitable). The book is a short-read (it'll take you an hour or so with a good cup of tea -- or coconut juice, if you're reading it on your desert island) and is both inspiring and motivating. Highly recommended!"

Greg Jones, Business Development Director, Datto

"Reimagining Capitalism is about setting your business up for the long game in a new

business world & The Second Machine Age is all about the tech of the new world! We are truly living in extraordinary times with regards to technology & business and both books will get you thinking outside the box. Good luck and remember, if you are betting against technology you will LOSE."

Scott Tyson, MSP Expert

"I like how he started his businesses and the chances he took to make them work. Also taking on the big boys like the record companies and British Airways and not taking a back step. If i'm on an island, I want an interesting and detailed read as opposed to the millions of self-help or motivation books as I only need my imagination and drive to motivate myself."

I know what you're thinking - Well, what about yours Chris? So, mine is...

This book reads like a novel and tells the amazing story about the rise and then fall of BlackBerry - I really need to re-read it...

Hope you enjoyed the list - Happy Reading



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