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  • Writer's pictureChris Tate


Updated: Jun 24, 2019

That's that then, another DattoCon in the can. This is the 5th DattoCon I've attended in

the US (New Orleans, Nashville, Denver, Austin and San Diego) and boy was it the best! I've always thought that Nashville would never be topped, but as I type this ahead of leaving for the airport, I am happy to admit I was 100% wrong. DattoCon19 San Diego was the best yet, from the amazing keynote from Tim Weller, to Austin updating us with what he's been up to and seeing all our great partners. Oh, and I didn't even mention the surprise appearance from Snoop Dogg. We tried so hard to keep this under wraps and we succeeded, the looks on our partners faces was amazing.

All in all, I'm so proud to be a small part of the team (in effort, not size of course) that puts this show together.

I can't promise Snoop in Paris for DattoCon19 Paris, but I can promise a great show. If you haven't registered yet, head to to ensure you're there with around 1000 of your peers.

If you can't make to Paris, see you in Atlanta, Georgia for DattoCon20.


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